Friday, August 21, 2015

Know more about NAT

What is Arbitration?
Arbitration is alternative dispute resolution method which allow all class people easy access to justice and allow to reduce misunderstanding among themselves & explore new areas of resolution

What is NAT & Under which act does NAT work?
National Arbitral Tribunal is established under section 2(1)(A) & 2(1)(D) of Arbitration And Conciliation Act 1996 as a Permanent Arbitration institute to provide easy access to justice to all.

Mission of establishing NAT
To make litigation free society through speedy redressal to the dispute.

Who give judgement at NAT?
Arbitrator Panel consist of former High Court Judges and the Award given by the arbitrators has same effect as those passed by any Civil Court 

Are the award given at NAT are valid?
Awards given by arbitration institute have same value as those passed by any other court and judgement are enforceable under code of civil procedure 1908, (5 of 1908) in the same manner as if it were passed by any other court.

In order to promote ADR in India ALL INDIA JUDGE ASSOCIATION  "All the cases will come before court only when efforts fail to dispose them off by ADR Mechanism.

To know more about Arbitration you can join us or send your queries.

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