Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Say Bye To Litigation And Join Hands With Arbitration

Disputes are inevitable, they were also there in the era of Mahabharata & Ramayana. Generally the three dispute resolution method  used are violence, avoidance & litigation. Violence leads to loss of life, property & resources. Avoidance kills relation & in litigation there are formalities, long procedures, cost, external involvement, control. Frustration with all these matters give rise to Alternate Dispute Resolution method.

People are unaware about the fact that their is a system which run in parallel to long litigation process known as Arbitration method. Arbitration was introduced with the aim that people get quick judgement & move the matter of civil nature towards arbitration tribunal so that they can get quick and speedy judgement at low cost and in short process.

Still people have confusion in their mind about arbitration about its judgement & due to busy schedule they didn’t even give time to learn about hat actually it is.

In brief arbitration is
Ø  Among first method of Alternative dispute redressal method.
Ø  Award given under arbitral tribunal have same effect as those passed by any other civil court.
Ø  Award are given on the matters at the time of agreement, even the matters pending in courts can seek redressal from Arbitral Tribunal
Ø  Judgment given here are by former justice who have expertise in the field and served their tenure of services providing such services
Ø  Arbitration is a forum where people from multi discipline can also work.

Pranab Mukherjee, President Of India has truly said- “only if alternative dispute resolution becomes an integral part of the Indian justice system will be able to truly safeguard the welfare of the common man in India.”

So  take initiative to learn know, learn and join us to get awareness about arbitration easy access to justice.

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